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Articles to help you toward a more mindfully productive life

Self-Care Sarah Steckler Self-Care Sarah Steckler

How to conduct a Self-Care Audit

Ever wonder why it feels like you can’t make time for yourself? The idea of “you time” seems impossible and when you DO have the time and the energy, you don’t always take action to do the things you know you really need to do?

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Sarah Steckler Sarah Steckler

How guilt disqualifies our own needs

Every now and then we feel a strong tug within our bones letting us know an emotion is about to overwhelm us that will be hard to manage. Intuitively we know what we think, how we feel, and what we’d like to do, but more often than not, something stops us altogether in a swift and heavy urgency…guilt.

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Sarah Steckler Sarah Steckler

6 Powerful TED Talks about Mental Health

I first heard about TED Talks about 10 years ago when I was spending a lazy Saturday at my computer playing the YouTube game. I remember watching one...and then another...and then becoming fascinated and intrigued by the various topics and amazing presenters. It wasn't long before I was hooked and always looking for more.

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Sarah Steckler Sarah Steckler

Creative ways to get started with walking meditation

When I first learned about the powers of meditation, I thought I'd need to sit crossed legged on the floor, surrounded by mystical lighting and deep intentions. While that still sounds blissful (adding tranquility room to my vision board), meditation can happen in many forms and also evolves over time as a unique and individual experience.

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Sarah Steckler Sarah Steckler

The biggest myths about self-love debunked

It seems to be a trend these days. Make more time for YOU, put yourself first, devote time to taking care of you. For some, this is embraced with open arms, and for others, it's a whole new realm of perspective that might feel different, uncomfortable, or even selfish.

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Sarah Steckler Sarah Steckler

4 ways you can speak to your future self today

At one point you may have thought, “What would I tell myself 10 years ago with what I know now?” Ah yes, the perspective we gain through the crap we have to deal with!! But really, there is so much we continually learn as we experience life.

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